I’m sitting at the kitchen table watching Cricket, my free-spirit Siamese, who is sitting under the bird-feeder watching birds….hoping! There isn’t much danger she’ll catch one now. She used to! Then one day, I realized that she caught them with her claws, not her mouth. Now I make certain those claws are clipped to a safe length, so Cricket just watches and hopes.
Do you realize that the unfortunate folks in Australia have never met a Maine Coon Cat?! I hadn’t thought of this until I recently spent the evening with a delightful lady from «down under», Mrs. Anne Faulkner. Mrs. Faulkner, a shorthair specialty judge, was in Denver for a short visit. Several members of the local cat fancy had dinner with her and then took her for a quiet visit to meet some American cats. She was very impres sed with the Maine Coon-«squashed by» to be exact; Henry sat on her lap!
Mrs. Faulkner is also the editor of the Burmese Whisper, the «voice» of the Burmese Owners & Breeders Association. The BOBA is comparable to our MCBFA as it is «for people interested in the health, welfare and breeding of these beautiful and intelligent cats.» BOBA is a non-affiliated association, and awards its «Cat of the Year» trophy much the same way we do. Its nice to know that there are folks all over who care as much for their cats as for the prizes they win.
One last thought and reminder. The flea season is upon us (unless you live in Denver we don’t have any), so prepare to do battle, but only with products that are safe for cats! If in doubt, check with your vet.
Reprinted from The Scratch Sheet.