Heidi-Ho revisited
With thanks to Sherry Lane Jones (PURROCIOUS Maine Cos USA), Simone Muehlfeit (TARA Maine Coon Germany) and Ken Shindler (HLLSIDE Maine Coon Canada) for the pictures
Heidi-Ho was founded by Many M. (Connie) Condit, and included two foundation cats, Andy Katt and Bridgett Katt.From that beginning Connie built a line which is famous for passing on it massive size and bone wonderful shaggy coats and thick lynx-tipping.
Connie was one of the early members of MCHFA, and the cats of Heidi-Ho Maine Coons have played a large part in so many lines, but many of us have never had the opportunity of seeing any of these cats in person.
Breeders talk about the «ciones» but many people don’t know that term refers to kittens out of Heidi-Ho Sonkey Bill and Tanstaafl Pully Adeline of Heidi-Ho. This pair produced offigring all of whom had the same signature » look’ (leadingpeople to claim that Connie was cloning them?) which survives in their descended today.
Although Connie has not been breeding Mane Coon for the last few years, her cats are still a powerful influence in lines As Ken Shindler of Hillside Maine Coons once said, «If you don’t know where you came from it’s hard to know where you’re going»
The Scrath Sheet -spring 1993