Where Are We Going?

Where Are We Going? By Helen Wohlfort, ROSELU Maine Coons Where is our breed going? Are we headed for obscurity again because we can’t make up our minds? Do we want the traditional Maine Coon Cat? Do we want the supposedly ‘feral look?» What do we want?...

Golden Maine Coon Cats

SCRATCH SHEET 1991 Letters to the Editor Re: Barbara Truitt and Lee Polk Dear Editor, «golden» tabbies This has been on my mind for some time actually, but it took som a combination of things to make me write this letter. The first thing was the experience I had re...

Hillside traveling

ADVENTURES TRAVELLING WITH MY CAT By Ken Shindler, HILLSIDE Maine Coons I have often thought that it would be interesting to collect and publish stories told by people who have travelled with their cats. Especially people travelling to and from cat shows. Some of...

Maine Coon Waves

La historia de Maine Coon Rex(Maine Waves) David Brinicombe La historia de Maine Coon Rex A finales de los 80, en el transcurso de una crianza de líneas con una buena línea Silver, Maine Coon Rex hizo su primera aparición en Gran Bretaña. También apareció en algunas...

El Gen Rex en Gatos Maine Coon

EL GEN REX EN MAINE COON por Di Everett, Kaiulani Maine Coons Hampshire, Inglaterra   El primer rexed Maine Coon en Gran Bretaña nació, hasta donde sabemos, en nuestra casa en 1988. Recuerdo el evento claramente – casi me caigo por las escaleras en mi prisa...
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