Pot Purry Connie Condit 1977 winter

POT PURRY Somewhere in the Denver area, for or five years ago, a cat had kittens. One of those kiltens was a red mackerel tabby boy. From that point until February, 1977, the record is blank. It seems safe to assume that this red fellow had a home (perhaps several)...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1975 winter

POT PURRY «DIE GROSSE KATZEN! WUNDERBAR!» This was the Maine Coon Cat’s reception when they were introduced to the German Cat Fancy at the XXIX Internationale Rassekatzen-Asstellung held on November 1-2, 1975 in Munich, West Germany. Pat Robbins and I escorted...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1975 summer

Spring has finally sprung in Deutschland, but thanks to a misplaced winter, part of it fell on its face. The early blooming trees were a fizzle. However, we are now up to our knees in tulips, drunk on lilac fragrance, and smothered in apple blossoms. Along with...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1975 spring

Grüss Gott, Guten Morgen und Ich spreche kaum deutsche! Yup, here we are. After 32 months of rattling around the country and the world, Heidi Ho is all back together. It started on October 29 when I loaded the troops into the trailer and said goodbye to Columbus,...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1975

We have a real celebrity among our fur-footed members! «Tex» Roland of Hanover, Pennsylvania will be (or probably has been) «Miss Pennsylvania» in the All-American Glamour Kitty contest to be held in Miami sorry I don’t have the date. Tex will appear as Betsy...
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