Pot Purry Connie Condit 1974 spring

POT PURRY We have one for the books this issue! Pat Garner (Pagar–Roanoke, Va.) has a young MC boy who is now wearing braces on his teeth. Seems he «ran into a door» and knocked an upper and lower canine slightly askew. Pat’s veterinarian has an open...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1974

POT PURRY There is an unfilled place at the Heidi Ho chow table tonight. For ten short years it was filled by a cantankerous, opinionated, neck nuzzling, gravel-voiced Siamese. Abner P. Katt (also known as Uncle Fud) has gone to join his best buddy, Kim Chee. We...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1973 winter

POT PURRY T’was the night before Christmas and all through the flat, Not a creature was stirring except Thomas Cat. What was he doing while everyone snored? Chewing up tinsel and electric light cord! What will be found when the family awakes? Poor Thomas...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1973 summer

«MAINE COON CAT BATTLES COON» These headlines could have appeared in the local paper of Longboat, Key, Florida according to Joyce Koppel. We don’t know who won, but after recovering from his wounds, Socrates Koppel seems content to spend his nights at home with...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1973 spring

This has been quite a winter at Heidi Ho. Kittens have been growing up an and shipping out and from down here in the boonies that can be a problem. Everyone has to change planes in Atlanta which makes a nervous wreck out of me and the men at the Atlanta air freight...
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