POT PURRY Connie Condit 1972 winter

I guess you all know by the change of address in the fall issue that the Heidi Ho troops have moved again. This time we traveled in style in our «cat house» on wheels, an 18 foot travel trailer. I must say, it was really the ideal way to move a cattery. No problems...

POTPURRY Connie Condit 1971 winter

POTPURRY by Connie Condit I was supposed to spin a whale of a yarn about how to travel from Washington, DC to Denver with 13 cats and a German Shepherd in one station wagon», so guess I’d better do it! To make it short and sweet, I simply loaded the lot of them...

POT PURRY Connie Condit 1972 winter

POT PURRY First thing, I would like to say thanks to all those members who have been unknowingly adding to my collection of cat pictures with their cat stationery. I have received some that are cute, adorable, clever, and hilarious. Being treasurer of MCBFA does have...

POTPURRY Connie Condit 1971

Well you asked for it! At least many of you indicated that you would like a question and answer column in the «Scratch Sheet» ….. So here it is. First of all, lets define the purpose of the column. It is a «share the wealth» instrument for MCBFA members to use...

Heidi-Ho entrevista

HEIDI-HO por Cheryl M. Gower con fotos, información de pedigrí. y una entrevista telefónica con la Sra. Condit por Patsy Stephens. Napa Valley Cattery Mary M. Condit, apodada «Connie» como suelen hacer los militares, era teniente coronel en el ejército de los EE. UU....


HEIDI-HO by Cheryl M. Gower with photos, pedigree information. and a telephone interview with Ms. Condit by Patsy Stephens.Napa Valley Cattery Mary M. Condit, nicknamed «Connie» as the military is wont to do,was a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, and stationed in...
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