Kreiz ar Mor cattery, France
I am a Maine Coon Breeder «by accident since January 1995, but at first I was like many, a cat lover without any knowledge about breeding and pedigreed cats, and I considered neutering or spaying a cat was against nature, and that it should not be done. I could not understand as well that an animal like a cat or a dog could be sold
In the 90’s, after many years without a cat. I took a black and white house neutered boy from a shelter. He brought me back the desire for kittens. I then decided that if I did not want my babies to be thrown in the ditches when people left for holidays, I had to have a pedigreed dam, for people who would have paid for a baby would really desire her or him, and would take care of the kitten.
I joined a cat club, and began the quest for my breed. It was rather quickly decided that I would have a Maine Coon. For the club, I translated breed standards from English into French and it helped me a lot. The club president was a very good s a very good SLH judge, who advised about the types. me about visiting shows, I had found f my future girl. She was born 2 years After the breeder of my November 1994. I just loved her, and I still miss her. She crossed the rainbow still miss her. She bridge 1 1/2 years ago at the age of 13, She never a gave me a baby but she inoculated me the «Coons tas involved myself in the club life. part to the shows organisation, and attending shows myself, most of the time helping as a clerk. Thanks to clerking, I leamed a lot about the other breeds too.
In 1996 was bom my first boy, my old pal, a brown classic tabby teddy bear who unfortunately was sick when travelling which caused a lot of trouble when I ar- rived at shows, having first to g groom him again very quickly in the toilets. He is heterozygous to the MYBPC3 mutation and is now neutered. He is happily spending his time between my bed and the garden, with the other members of the crew, oldies and breeding cats.
I first heard of poly coons by reading the article written by Janet Marr in Maine Coon International, in 1995 and I then decided I would have one when I would be able to After a disastrous try in 2004 with a dishon est breeder, my first poly girl, DK Mystery Coons Yuna Madalen P arrived in 2005. NZ»MainlyMagic Anwen P arrived in March 2007 after a long trip from New-Zealand, partly with her brother, a non poly boy who is now living in continental France at a friend of mines, partly with me since I fetched her in Paris. Besides being a poly, she is my first outcross Coon.

I suppose I also have to say I am a member of the team of translators for Pawpeds. Of course I am myself looking all the time for any information I can find about the Coons, to help in my breeding program, el me in since now am a passionate breeder and only a not cat fancier. It is a bit difficult to do what I cat good work, because I don’t re- consider a I home my oldies, but anyway I progress, also to my thanks companion, a Maine Coon name «Seizh Aver». We breeder with cattery name met thanks to Coons and now are are working together, sharing «resources», but each of us , of us has his definite views of the type and kind of of is Coons he wants to breed. For example, he a fanatic of brown tabbies blotched with the wild look, and I like nearly all the colours, especially silvers.
By the my two last way, my two last cats should arrive in 2009 and both will be silver: a silver mackerel boy from traditional lines and a polydactyl silver torbie girl from outcross lines. Then, I consider I shall have enough cats and lines to prepare my own witch’s brew.Island, a small French overseas department (650 000 inhabitants) in the Southerm Hemi sphere, where I el brought all my older cats with me when I moved. By the way, by a strange wave of the destiny, my cattery name means «The middle of the sea» This name suits to the island I am living on, a tiny rock lost in t name clearly lost in the Indian Ocean, but I chose it many years ago, when I would have laughed at anybody who would have told me I would ally oddy one day be living here. Most of my babies join their new families in Europe, by plane, (one is in South Africa, some of them are in continental France and in other European Countries), one of them F»Kreiz ar Mor Calinka P happens to be the first polydactyl Coon in Russia.
At last, I am a member of the Board, and now Vice-President of one of the two very small French Maine Coon Fanciers clubs (about 40 members each… compared with more than 360 breeders or so-called breeders). Profes sionally, I am working as a manager secre tary in a big company which produces and sells cement, aggregates, etc.
I would like to warmly thank Win and George Day, who reminded me of my old dream to join the MCBFA and offered to be my spon sors, and Misha Peersmans for her friendly support.
See more of the cats of Kreiz ar Mor cattery cats at