Kreiz ar Mor cattery

Kreiz ar Mor cattery, France I am a Maine Coon Breeder «by accident since January 1995, but at first I was like many, a cat lover without any knowledge about breeding and pedigreed cats, and I considered neutering or spaying a cat was against nature, and that it...

St Clouds & Coonyham

St Clouds & Coonyham Laura Cunningham, Breeder Member, California Nancy Davenport sold us our first Maine Coon kitten. We’d driven six hours from Northern California to her home in Culver City to buy a pet Maine Coon on Memo rial Day weekend 1989. We just...

Maine Coon Willowplace

Historia y orígenes de los famosos Maine Coon «Willowplace» Barbara Ray La mayoría de la gen te no sabe que los Maine Coons fueron unos desconocidos durante muchos años, incluso en los Esta dos Unidos. A finales de los años sesenta recogí una preciosa hembra de tipo...


Midatlantic Director BARBARA WASHBURN MtKittery In the mid-70’s, our family (my husband Louie, the three kids, two domestic shorthairs, three show ponies and two ram- bunctious dogs) had moved to Malvern, Pennsylvania after Lou finished law school. We had plenty...


Heidi-Ho revisited With thanks to  Sherry Lane Jones (PURROCIOUS Maine Cos USA), Simone Muehlfeit (TARA Maine Coon Germany) and Ken Shindler (HLLSIDE Maine Coon Canada) for the pictures Heidi-Ho was founded by Many M. (Connie) Condit, and included two foundation cats,...

Pot Purry Connie Condit 1980

I’m sitting at the kitchen table watching Cricket, my free-spirit Siamese, who is sitting under the bird-feeder watching birds….hoping! There isn’t much danger she’ll catch one now. She used to! Then one day, I realized that she caught them...
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